下載 (2)You’re obliged to summarize your thesis manuscript for the Journal of International Cooperation (JIC) before departure. An email notification of submission of your article issued by JIC editorial office is one of two required documents (another is a copy of your diploma) to be granted a return ticket for your back trip. Surely, you can make flight reservation on your scheduled departure date well before your submission.

  1. Your article should be a summarized version of your IMBA thesis. It should be reviewed by your advisor before submitting. Your thesis adviser will be your corresponding author of this article and he/she needs to sign Authors Agreement. Please e-mail your signed authors agreement to JIC editorial office at jic@mail.npust.edu.tw.
  2. Graduates are required to submit JIC article BEFORE leaving Taiwan and no later than July 25. The completion of submission is according to the notification of submission of paper issued by JIC editorial office. (Please note: your obligation is limited to submitting a quality article conformed to JIC required format (and length) and written in fluent English. Accepted or not is up to JIC’s review committee.)
  3. The JIC editorial office will return your article for revision if your article hasn’t conformed to the required format (and length) yet. This back-and-forth can be time-consuming and take some weeks from your first submission at worst. Given your allowance will be terminated in August (July is the last month to receive allowance), I suggest you well plan your timetable and closely cooperate with your advisor in completing your submission.
  4. About format:  please follow JIC Format sample and Submission Guidelines.
  5. Upload your manuscript to JIC (http://jic.npust.edu.tw/news/news.aspx): First you need to register as a member, then upload your draft, make changes according to email instruction by JIC. Besides JIC, you are the only person with the access to monitor your schedule. After submitting first manuscript, you have to act responsively to JIC’s instruction, provided you need to present Notification of Submission of Paper issued by JIC in order to get your ticket timely.
  6. Format mistakes mostly found:
    1. Abstract: too many words. Shouldn’t have over 150 words and please make it become ONE paragraph. (Don’t separate)
    2. No keywords: add 3-5 keywords after Abstract.
    3. No citation: should have citations in your main context.
    4. Reference: please refer to the examples of English References writing attached and write it accordingly.


Journal of International Cooperation
