typhoonThe taifengs mean “great winds” in Mandarin Chinese. Each year Taiwan experiences several typhoons. The typhoon season lasts from mid-July to early October. In general, even for the case that typhoon hits the island directly, nothing more than heavy rains and strong winds would occur. However, every few years Taiwan experiences “real” typhoons that can exert heavily-destructive force. When they occur, sea-level cities might be flooded, inland cities will experience landslides and other hazards. During typhoons, make sure to stay indoors for your safety. Your dorm will be your safest nest. You’re strongly suggested to buy some dry food to prepare for temporary shut-down of stores. Fortunately, the city usually resumes its normal life pretty soon. Buildings here are built to sustain the typhoon and earthquake potential hazards too.

After typhoon warning is issued, make sure to keep yourself updated of the latest information about the intensity, evolution and route of the typhoons.

Typhoon News