Application and Renewal

Those who enter Taiwan on a Resident Visa must apply for an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) and Re-entry Permit at local service centers of National Immigration Agency within 15 days from the next day of arrival.  Duration of stay is noted on the Alien Resident Certificate.

How does a foreigner renew or apply for an ARC?
Chinese website    English website
下載New application
  1. A completed application form  (applicant’s signature is required)
  2. NTD1,000 for 1 year or NTD2,000 for 2 years’ term
  3. Passport (verify the original and submit the photocopy) 護照正本及影本各一份
  4. Resident visa (copy) 簽證影本
  5. One 2’’ x 2’’ (4.5cmX3.5cm) colored photo with white background, front head and shoulder, taken within six months. 二吋半身脫帽正面白底彩色照片一張(黏貼於申請書上)注意規定之規格
    【A thin half-length color photo with a glossy finish taken with a white background within the past year that should be 4.5cm X 3.5cm with an image of the head that should not be shorter than 3.2cm or longer than 3.6cm from the top of the head to the chin, without wearing a hat or a pair of color glasses, with clear facial features not covered and identifiable, and should not be modified or composed.】
  6. NCCU Acceptance Letter (verify the original and submit the photocopy) 校方入學通知單正本及影本各一份
  7. TaiwanICDF Consent Form (copy), two years term might be given with the presence of Consent Form.
  8. Memo issued (to Immigration Agency) by TaiwanICDF attached with a list of scholarship recipients (provided by TaiwanICDF, one copy for one group application) 國合會公函
  9. Processing time: 10 working days.
  1. A completed application form
  2. Current ARC (original and photocopy)
  3. A passport with resident visa. (original & photocopies)
  4. One color photo (4.5cm X 3.5cm) with a white background taken within 6 months
  5. Enrollment Certificate. Please print it by yourself from the below website:
  6. Student ID card
  7. A letter from IMBA office which explains your extension period.
    (Students applying for extension should notify Ms. Li-chi to issue this document in advance).
  8. Flight Tickets (for those who go abroad and return after the expiration date)
  9. Fees: One-year term: NTD1,000

Processing time: 10 working days. ARC can be picked up with the application fee receipt. You can get reimbursed by giving the project manager the original valid receipt.

No. 15, Guangzhou St., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan 100-66
(100-66 臺北市中正區廣州街 15 號)
Close to MRT Xiaonanmen Station Exit 2. (捷運小南門站二號出口)
Service time: Mon. – Fri. 08:00-17:00

Important for students
  1. Fees for application and extension will be refunded by scholarship budget with presence of original receipts (after picking up your new ARC).
  2. Applications for extension of residence must be filed within 30 days before the expiration date, overstaying will be fined NT$2,000-10,000. Please do extend your ARC by the end of July if you only get one year’s term at the first application.
  3. According to Immigration Act, if alien’s reason for residence is no loner valid, his/her ARC will become invalid and shall be returned to National Immigration Agency within 15 days; accordingly, alien must leave the country as ordered by National Immigration Agency.